by Jacqueline | Nov 1, 2019 | Blog, Featured Stories
The beauty that is Fall was becoming more and more in this sweet fall story! The connection between them was pure joy to witness as we walked through the field of gold surrounding us. Sydney is an artist herself as she gracefully designed my logo into exactly what I...
by Jacqueline | Oct 23, 2019 | Blog, Featured Stories
I see life in your sweet stories. A story so beautiful and purposeful only you can tell it. One that fills the pages full of hands held tightly, lips pressed against another, and laughter bellowing. I see your story through all its simple and grand adventures and I...
by Jacqueline | Aug 19, 2019 | Blog, Featured Stories
Her body held patiently the gift of life full within two weeks passed his expected due date, yet the hearts longing to hold and nurture that which has grown became stronger still. The time decided and the date chosen by those who guided didn’t hold for...
by Jacqueline | Aug 16, 2019 | Blog, Featured Stories
Sweet love embraced and overcome with life within. Two who chose one another just a few short years in front of the same lens now three. Their joy found in one another, experiencing life in the heart of the majestic beauty held in Alaska, swelled even more...
by Jacqueline | Aug 7, 2019 | Blog, Featured Stories
In gracious anticipation for the one her belly swells, she lavishes herself in the arms of the three that have come before. The three that call her mama, beloved, and cherished one. In the still quiet moments of sleep-rubbed-eyes and soft blankets wrapped, the...