Freedom Homestead | Topeka Photographer
Life lived together is a learned life. Life lived intentionally enriches the soul for growth, purpose, and identity. Homeschooling, for me has become one of the most richest experiences of my life. I absolutely adore having my children home with me and learning...
Birthing Lewis Wade | Personal | Plainville KS
You came slow and steady, strong and consistent. You, my fourth. Birthing you was no easy feat and nothing I had expected. Your daddy and I so ready to meet you, anticipating what you will be. Girl or boy, didn't matter to us, we were just praising Him whom all...
Walking Freedom.
We all have a longing deep within our souls to be seen, to be known, to be loved, to be cherished. To be seen without blemish, to be known fully without judgement, to be loved unconditionally, to be cherished despite our failures and weaknesses. This is my story and...
A Love Letter.
This. A love letter to you, my dove. My dove, why do you keep searching. The search. It is in vain, my love. Your soul reaches, yet it is unfound. It is fierce and strong, unwilling to rest. Find rest, my dove. You long for something. Tell me. I am here. I am...
Our Love Story. How We Met.
The 'love month' is upon us and although my husband and I don't really care too much about Valentine's Day, we desired to share a little more about us with you. As a wedding photographer I get the amazing opportunity to hear people's love stories and it brings back...
This Hope. My Battle Against Depression. Manhattan, KS Photographer. Personal.
The Lord's been gracious to me, as He always is. My heart has been in a good place since admitting my battle against depression. It's true, the saying that bringing into the light that which is in the darkness will break the chains of bondage. Although not...