A Love Letter
A Love Letter in Manhattan KansasThis. A love letter to you, my dove.
My dove, why do you keep searching.
The search. It is in vain, my love.
Your soul reaches, yet it is unfound.
It is fierce and strong, unwilling to rest.
Find rest, my dove.
You long for something. Tell me. I am here.
I am always here.
Your spirit, it is beautiful. Do you believe that?
Believe that.
This search, dove it is not what you want.
You know that. Your heart knows that.
Your soul knows.
I am here.
I find you lovely just as you are. You are mine.
I long for you.
Your hiding is not lost on me. I am here.
Come to me. I will give you your spirits rest.
Come to me.
This searching…it has already been found.
Open those beautiful eyes, dove.
It has been found.
I love you. I always have. I always will.
You are mine. I am here. I love you.
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